Friday, August 19, 2011

Humble Beginnings

About a year ago, Jenn and I started talking about riding our bicycles down the Pacific Coast of the US to the Mexican border. This would be a month long trip, well within our physical and mental limits. But then we thought ... since we're already at the Mexican border, why not explore Mexico. And then later ... well this would put us in Central America, we've always wanted to learn about the Mayans and explore the Caribbean ... may as well keep going.

To make a long story short, our month long trip has turned into an eight to ten month odyssey which will involve us quitting our jobs, moving out of our apartment, and liquidating most of our belongings! Our endpoint is still undetermined, but will most likely be Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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We'll try to keep this blog short and full of pictures (nobody actually reads the text in these things anyways!). Enjoy!

Dave and Jenn

1 comment:

  1. untrue!! i totally read the text in these things!!! :P

    thanks for all the fun adventures til Cannon Beach & looking forward to more posts of your adventures the rest of the way!! buen viaje adelante!!
