Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Patagonia - North

Our wonderful warmshowers hosts Harry, Ivana, and Julian in San Martin de Los Andes. Pristine lakes on the Ruta de Siete Lagos, Argentina. Beautiful riding on the Ruta de Siete Lagos, Argentina. Waterfall in Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, Argentina. Lago Villanica on the Ruta de Siete Lagos, Argentina. Lago Villanica on the Ruta de Siete Lagos, Argentina. Our campspot beside Lago Villanica on the Ruta de Siete Lagos, Argentina. Sneaking a peak at Lago Escondido on the Ruta de Siete Lagos, Argentina. In Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi on the Ruta de Siete Lagos, Argentina. Lago Espejo in Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi on the Ruta de Siete Lagos, Argentina. Fishing at our campsite on Lago Nahuel Huapi, Argentina. Campspot on Lago Nahuel Huapi, Argentina. Lago Nahuel Huapi, Argentina. In a chocolate shop in Bariloche, Argentina. On the way to Lago Escondido on the Circuito Chico near Bariloche in Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi. Finding Lago Escondido in Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi near Bariloche, Argentina. Approaching storm on Lago Nahuel Huapi near Bariloche, Argentina. Trying our first Argentinian steak in Bariloche.  That's a lotta meat! On the way to El Bolson, Argentina. Near El Bolson, Argentina. Springtime in Patagonia, Argentina. Springtime in Patagonia, Argentina. Staying with Jose-Luis at his casa in El Bolson, Argentina. Lago Puelo near El Bolson, Argentina. Crazy lenticular clouds mean lots of wind. Looking towards Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Argentina. Flamingoes near Lago Rivadavia in Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Argentina. Riding through Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Argentina. Riding through Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Argentina. Sometimes the roads aren't so bicycle friendly.  In Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Argentina. Riding through Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Argentina. Soaked in Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Argentina. Soaked in Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Argentina. Having Welsh tea in Trevelin, Argentina. Riding towards the border from Trevelin, Argentina. Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Argentina. Riding towards Chile with Parque Nacional Los Alerces in the background.

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